Alcohol-Related Crimes

It is well known that many crimes are committed under the direct or indirect influence of alcohol consumption.

Some crimes are connected to a person’s blood-alcohol level while others are related to the impaired state of mind due to the influence of the alcohol. Here are some of the common alcohol related crimes:

Driving Under the Influence

This is one of the most common culprits. Driving after drinking any amount of alcohol is dangerous. Unfortunately, deaths due to drunk driving are so common, in spite of the awareness campaigns.  Driving with a blood alcohol level above the legal limit is grounds for arrest. Though many are arrested for driving under the influence, many more will never be caught.


There are many reasons why a person with alcohol addiction might resort to stealing. Drinking is an expensive habit that needs a constant source of money. This is the reason why theft is a common alcohol-related crime. Robbery is a felony and carries penalties including potential jail time. The penalties differ depending on the nature of the robbery and the value of the stolen goods.

Domestic Violence

Alcohol related offences by an intimate partner such as a spouse or a partner could include physical attacks as well as sexual assaults, or psychological abuse. Ironically, since drinking often happens with or around an intimate partner, these partners are the ones who face the worst consequences of alcohol related crimes.

Child Abuse

Child abuse includes physical violence, neglect, mistreatment, and verbal or emotional abuse. Though convictions for child abuse have heavy penalties, the innocent victims suffer the most serious trauma.

Sexual Assault

Alcohol plays a role in many sexual assaults. This type of crime can be child abuse or intimate partner violence, or it could be perpetrated on a stranger. Anyone convicted of sexual assault should expect significant legal penalties that continue even after release from prison.


Alcohol can amplify emotions, which is why it plays a role in so many homicides. Once a person under the influence of alcohol is in a state of heightened emotions, they lose control and are likely to carry out their actions further than they would normally.  The penalty for homicide can be life in prison or even death.

Exploring alcohol related crimes is important to appreciate the devastating impacts of alcohol on individuals, families and society. Crime is not be the first indication that people connect with problem drinking or addiction, but it is a significant and serious symptom that needs attention.

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