Criminal Records & Addiction

Substance abuse can result in a great deal of misfortune, as the actions of those who are addicted begin to spiral out of control. However, what many fail to realize is the difficult futures that come through criminal records. For, such a history oftentimes drags itself on the heels of those who struggle with alcohol and drug misuse—presenting a great deal of problems for them. Yet still, there is legal action that can be taken—which can allow one’s content to be erased from his/her public record.

This is where expungement law comes in, as it “deals with the state court procedures for removing criminal records from public view”. For, without such that information is available to a wide range of people, causing the individuals to lose opportunities—such as jobs—that they might not otherwise. The reason behind this is because employers that are looking to hire are able to access that individual’s information, and upon doing so they can decide whether or not they want to hire him/her—based on his/her background history, and other such content.

As a result, it can be difficult for one to secure as many job opportunities as he/she might like—or one job in particular that he/she might have interest in—due to his/her past history. But, expungement takes care of such, so that the individual can gain the ability to start anew—with a clean record. Even so, the process differs from state to state, and there are certain requirements that one must meet—in regards to their offense—in order to qualify.  

In turn, offenses that may seem small to the outside world—DUIs, DWIs, etc.—can cause a great deal of suffering for the individual that is involved. However, if he/she chooses to expunge the charge, then those records can be be “erased” after the expungement has been approved. Upon doing so, it’s up to the individual to submit proof through documentation—and/or the expungement order—to agency databases, so that his/her information may be updated.

In conclusion, if individuals have faced charges—resulting from substance abuse—they have the ability to not only turn their lives around—through recovering from their addiction—but to turn their records around as well. It is through doing so, that they can restore—and/or regain—their opportunities—whether it be oriented around career, transportation, organization, family agencies, and so on. As a result, the most beneficial course of action that one can take is looking into the process of expungement in regards to his/her state.

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